12 November 2011

Laundry Day

Basically, the purpose of this blog is to relate day to day occurrences that would and could only happen to me. Clearly Molly. Except, my middle name is Claire and I am a clever cat, hence the title Clairely Molly. Maybe I'm wrong, though. Maybe this kind of stuff happens to so many other people every day. I don't know. I do know that the adventure I had this morning is one of the best embodiments of "Clairely Molly" that I've had in a while.

Since our tiny laundry room meant to service two not tiny buildings was surprisingly full this morning, the roommate and I walked over to a different building and snuck in to do our laundry there. Vagabonds. The actual laundry doing was uneventful, and after it was all said and done we folded. Nothing strange about that. However, I had to share a folding table with a pile of t-shirts and socks that had been taken out of a dryer and left for gone. I finished folding my clothes, and as I stood there I thought to myself, "wouldn't it be funny if this guy came back to find all of his clothes folded? It could be my random act of kindness for today!" So I start folding. For the first 3/4 of the pile, we were alone, possibly yelling "Blast-off!" when machines got rowdy, possibly thinking of all the clever options on how to tweet/sliver/blog about my adorable random act of kindness, possibly wondering how we ever became roommates with people who yell blast-off and fold random laundry in the laundry room. Then people started to trickle in. As they do, I realize how potentially awkward this situation might get if someone walked in to find me, a stranger, folding their laundry. I fold faster. As I reach the bottom of the pile, I notice that the shirts I'm folding look vaguely familiar, but I just chalk it up to the fact that most Tech guys have a similar fashion sense. Not that it even mattered. I was done folding, I would leave in t minus two minutes, and the guy would never know the identity of his laundry fairy. At that moment, a familiar face walks in the laundry room: a guy I met a while back, realized was in one of my classes, and one in every ten times we see each other we'll wave. One of those. Well, this was that one in ten time, so I waved and we exchanged pleasantries. Then he gave me an odd look. Walked a little ways toward the dryers, looked back at me. "Did you fold all of that?" "Yes, I did." "Oh, um, well, thanks. I guess I left it in here a little too long again." "Oh...yeah..." And I left. Now I will forever be known as that girl who randomly folds other people's laundry. Of course.

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